Dear First Blog

Dear First Blog

After sifting through what felt like the entire internet's worth of advice on “How to write the perfect first blog” and a severe case of analysis paralysis, I came to the realization that the best way is simply my way. So let’s do this Q&A style shall we ;)

Q: Any first words?
A: Hi! A very warm welcome to Dear First Day and thank you for taking the time to check out my section: Scribbles & Stories! I'm Mel and this is the blog for Dear First Day where I'll be doing my utmost to provide joy & laughter, myths and ancient practices, useful information, actual studies and research materials to substantiate the information #occupationalhazard.

Q: Your section?
A: Yes, I have my orders lol. I was put in charge of the blog and my lovely wife/boss is in charge of other areas🙂. Disclaimer: I'm not a professional blogger neither am I a skilled writer. I'm assigned to do this because she feels that I talk too much.

Q: Why the name “Dear First Day”?
A: This is because, we would like to capture the essence of the special moment when parents welcome their newborn into the world. The first day of a baby's life is a milestone that is etched in the memories of parents forever, and the store's name reflects the importance of that moment.

By choosing this name for our store, our goal is to hope that our store is a place where parents can find everything they need to make their baby's first day and every day thereafter special and memorable.

Q: Tell us a bit about the both of you?
A: My wife, Renee and I are both born and bred in Singapore. She is highly skilled in shopping, sniffing out the best deals from a mile away and makes mind-blowing scrambled eggs.

As for me, my line of work is largely involved with the financial markets. I do a lot of trading and analysis, and I'll be attempting to transfer those skills here and create some value for our customers. Maybe my ability to spot market trends will come in handy when predicting baby fashion trends. Not sure if that works the same way but hey… I'll try.

Q: So just the both of you then?
A: Well… technically it's just Renee, myself, our moms, our dads, our siblings, our awesome group of friends and my dog running the store. And best of all, their rates are unbeatable… they work for free🤣. We just bribe them with homemade cookies and unlimited access to our snack bar. So yeah, you could say it's just the both of us… plus our army of loyal loved ones.

Q: What made you wanna start an online store?
A: Our vision was never to launch just any online store. We were driven to create a specialized platform that caters exclusively to the needs of parents and caregivers of newborns and infants. While we are familiar with other categories as well, such as adult clothing, fitness gear, and car accessories, we found that our hearts were not fully invested in those areas. Although those categories have their merits and may even be more financially lucrative, our passion and satisfaction stem from providing exceptional products and services solely for the baby and infant market.

Q: Why so?
A: In my humble opinion, while a passion for business is undoubtedly important, it takes a back seat to a genuine love and care for children when it comes to starting a baby/infant store. For us, the ultimate priority is to help parents by creating a store that provides real value for them and their little ones. This means putting the needs and well-being of children first and foremost in all that we do.

Ultimately, what truly brings us joy and satisfaction is the knowledge that our efforts have made a real difference in the lives of families. From seeing happy, smiling children and parents in our store, to the positive reviews and repeat customers that we have gained, we know that our success is ultimately measured by the impact that we have on the families that we serve.

Q: So profits aren’t important?
A: I’d be lying if I said profits are not important. The reality is that profits are undeniably a crucial factor in the success of any business, including a baby store. Without sufficient profits, it would be difficult to sustain the store and continue serving the needs of our customers in the long term. However, I have learned through my own experiences, particularly in trading the markets, that focusing solely on profits can be a recipe for disaster.

Instead, I firmly believe that success comes from doing things the right way, prioritizing the needs of our customers and their little ones, and not forgetting… writing awesome blogs ;) By maintaining this focus, we can create a sustainable business that not only generates profits but also delivers real value to the families that we serve.

Of course, there are no guarantees when it comes to business but I am confident that if we stay true to our principles and remain committed to providing exceptional service and products to our customers, profits will inevitably follow.

Q: What do you mean by doing things right in this online baby store context?
A: By caring for our customers and their precious little ones and to try and understand their difficulties and concerns. We understand that in order to serve our customers well, we need to prioritize sourcing the highest quality products available, at a reasonable price point. This means going beyond the temptation to solely choose items with the largest profit margins, and instead opting for products that we would be comfortable using for our own children.

In fact, we've tested out products with great, stylish designs and attractive profit margins, only to find that they lacked the comfort and durability. As a result, we have carefully curated a selection of suppliers and partners who share our values and vision. While their products may not always be the cheapest, we are confident in their top-notch quality and fair pricing, and we believe that our customers will appreciate the difference.

By prioritizing quality and customer satisfaction over short-term gains, we are confident in our ability to build a lasting relationship with our customers, and to create a store that sits in their hearts.

Q: What else do you hope to achieve with this store?
A: Here's the thing, there are some seriously amazing suppliers and manufacturers out there in this big, wide world. The only catch? They don't always deal directly with us everyday folks as they're more focused on bulk wholesale orders. Or maybe they're just not that easy to get in touch with, especially if you're halfway across the globe.

But that's where we come in. Our mission is to bridge the gap between these incredible suppliers and you, no matter where you are located at. We want to offer a wider range of high-quality options at seriously competitive prices, without any of the accessibility issues that can get in the way. So please have a look at our selections and I hope that you will find something that you really like. Brought to you by your favourite baby store 🙂

Q: So what is the goal of this blog?
A: As I dive into the world of infant articles, I'm starting to realize that I'm spending more time researching than I ever did analyzing the financial markets! But that's because I'm on a mission to provide our customers with the best information possible, or at least I will get there someday.

Sure, there are plenty of helpful articles out there, but I want to go the extra mile and curate materials that are easy to read, not too dry and adding my personal touch to it. My goal is to not only inform, but also to entertain and connect with our customers. So be prepared for some light-hearted articles that will have you laughing at times, while also providing valuable insights and information.

In short, my blog aims to bring parents together and serve as a hub for all things related to their little ones, or even for one that is coming along. Whether you're seeking practical advice or just looking for a lighthearted read, our content has something for everyone. So, kick back, relax, and join us on a journey that will educate, motivate, and entertain you with each passing post.

Q: Any last words?
A: I’m not dying yet….

Q: Alright cool. Thank you Mel for your time!
A: Thank you for your time too. You really do know how to ask the right questions, it’s as if you can read my mind!

Q: ……



Credits: Image by Racool_studio on Freepik
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