Today, I will share something that's not even found on Google. I know it cos I've tried searching :) It's an ancient technique that's been passed down through generations to help you raise a baby that's as obedient as a soldier and quiet as a mouse in the middle of the night. And the best part? It's free.
Here's the deal: when you're taking your little one home from the delivery hospital, keep their precious eyes covered entirely by a cloth from the surroundings and avoid talking to anyone until you get home. That's it. Simple, harmless, and allegedly effective. If your next question is, "But what if my child has been home for a while now?", erm... sorry I think that's too late. According to the legends, this is only applicable to newborns.
I know of people that are still using this trick to this day, so why not give it a shot and see if it works for you? Just a friendly reminder from our editor, though: please don't cover your baby's entire face and risk blocking their breathing. Safety first, people!